Beth Sarim
I realize 'questions' will be coming my way. It's just phase 2, of my ''fade''. Because they recognize ''inactive'' ones as disfellowshipped and have expanded the shunning.
If and when they do question you, be as vague as possible and convey to them the idea that you are puzzled as to why they would be at all concerned about your spirituality. Neither confirm or deny anything they might have to say about you.
Be like the British royal family was way back in the day and who for the most part still seem to realize that when it comes to the public, fault will be found no matter what they say or do, so they generally offer no excuses, no explanations and no apologies.
No matter how loving and fair they appear to be, people are people and there's a certain pecking order or gang mentality that takes place as a result of the merest bit of perceived authority or advantage that they might seem to have over you, even with so called spiritual men. As soon as you start answering their questions, they'll feel empowered and will have the upper hand which could put you on the run so to speak. On the other hand, they won't know what to do with someone who doesn't play along with the game that they were prepared to play.
Get used to long pauses and quizzical looks from them. Don't be temped to rush in and fill the void with an excuse or an explanation regarding something that's your personal business.